Aleksandr Bukhanovsky

Professor, Dr. Sci
ITMO University

Head of National Center for Cognitive Technologies, Director of «Strong AI in industry» Research Center
“ITMO University is involved in many AI related applied research 
projects to create and share new knowledge that identifies solutions 
for specific industrial tasks, usually too complex to be solved 
by conventional AI available on the market. Our membership 
in Association provides a tremendous opportunity to access the most 
challenging industrial projects and influence the development 
the field of AI both in industry and in academia“.

Ramil Kuleev

PhD in Engineering
Innopolis University
Director of the Institute of Artificial Intelligence
"In partnership with AIIA, we will open up new economic sectors 
for the implementation of joint projects in machine learning 
and artificial intelligence. The Institute of Artificial Intelligence 
is involved in many educational, scientific and industrial projects. 
The practical skills that we get when developing fundamentally new 
products are subsequently represented in the developed educational programs".